Wellness Wednesday

Wellness Wednesday 12/15/10
So it is a week before Christmas and excitement is in the air....so are the cold temperatures, even for us here in Florida... and I know what happens to most people at this time of year and at these temps...working out is secondary if not even lower on the list of things to do. Try mixing it up or doing an indoor activity at a gym or buy a workout video of a style that you ordinarilly wouldn't do. Pressed for time and want to keep it simple, try bringing in a jump rope, a hula hoop, a stability ball and some free weights and design a cardio/weight-training circuit. Just remember to stretch as part of your warm up to decrease the incidence of muscle strain. However, don't stretch for more than 20 minutes pre-workout, otherwise you could decrease muscle strength and power.

Some fads that actually work from the past year, according to Yahoo Health, that you could try- P90X. It's a cardio program that comes with great results if followed properly. I personally know people who have tried it and love it. Just don't expect somethng magical to happen when the UPS man drops it off...you have to Do IT. You could also try HIIT ( High Intensity Interval Training). Nothing new but it's the talk of the gym and promises the highest calorie burn post workout- up to 24 hours. It's much more than just hitting the interval button on the eliptical...it requires one minute of full-on bursts of energy and one minute of recovery over a sustained 20 to 30 minute period. Not a workout to do consecutive days in a row as it can be very exhausting.
Some fads to skip...The Shake Weight, the HCG diet, and certain supplement/high antioxidant drinks.

Some clients complain about plateaus during this time of year. If the scale has not moved in a while don't obsess. First of all, this is not the time to starve yourself ( not that there ever is a time for that). Especially in cold temperatures you need to keep the metabolism revved up and that means eating. Even if it is comfort food you desire, there are plenty of delicious and hearty soups and stoups where you can get lots of veggies and protein all in one simple meal. A couple of things to remember during this crazy busy holiday season, eat well-balanced meals, complex carbs pre- workout and try to get plenty of sleep. Some of you, and even myself, may find this near impossible. However studies show that poor sleep habits can increase abdominal fat so it's important to try and catch at least seven to eight hours a night.. As far as enjoying a drink or two, a study in Physiology and Behavior states that moderate drinking improves metabolic health by lowering insulin resistance, which influences sexual performance, abdominal fat deposition, blood pressure and blood fats and inflammation.
It may be a reason why people living in countries like France, Italy, Portugal and Spain live longer.

So have a "holly, jolly Christmas and have a cup of cheer!"

Be Well and Stay Fit- Spirit, Mind and Body


Wellness Wednesday 12/8/10
It has been an interesting two weeks. After celebrating a very joyous Thanksgiving and having good friends and family around, I found myself even more excited about this holiday season. It's not really about the presents...I actually put myself last on the list, not caring if I get anything. For me it's a remembrance of a time gone by. The excitement I felt as a little girl in New York and the cold weather, the lighting of the Christmas tree in Rockerfeller Center (on tv or in person), window shopping in the city at Macy's, watching the kids holiday shows on television, and sharing dinners and parties with family and friends in cozy homes. I love it all, even in south Florida where the temperatures don't quite dip down as low but just enough to turn the heat on. Now that I have the kids in my life, the excitement has been amped up to a new level. I love watching it all through their eyes and every stage of their lives as we do new things, form new traditions. They view the holidays in different and interesting ways that amaze me. I think that has been my best gift over the last eight years.

But last week a slight monkey wrench was thrown into our jolliness...the stomach flu. Yuck! It seems to be going around. With all the travellers and traveling at this time of year, it's no wonder the incidents of sickness increases. Now I can't remember the last time either of my boys vomited...but we made up for it last week. Both boys had it at the same time.
So I am going to give a few tips that are good  reminders this time of year to stay healthy. The first one, which is a constant, wash hands frequently. To use antibacterial soap or not, is the question. From Health magazine, the suggestion is yes to antibacterial products in moderation. It is crucial if you are a health-care worker, visiting the hospital or at the doctor's office. Also use it after handling raw meat. But regular soap will do just fine since it removes germs. The problem with overuse of antibacterial soaps is that "it could create drug-resistant bacteria," according to Dr. Roizen, pal to Dr. Oz. Those soaps contain triclosan, an antibiotic and using it unnecessarily can make bacteria resistant and harder for you to fight diseases. It may also disrupt hormones causing problems with  development and reproduction.

I also try to take a tip from the book I am still reading, Parking Lot Rules. Rule #12 is the Bon Jovi Rule- No Hands to the Face. One day's sickness can cause the band lots of money and disrupt a tight-touring schedule, and a bad reputation. Considering they shake lots of fan's hands, they just keep the hands away. If they get an itch on the face, they use a sleeve, a cuff, a tissue, whatever else is available. So tell your kids to take a tip from one of the greatest rock bands in the world.

And for the love of money, definitely don't touch anything after handling it. Germs love money and love to hide in the fibers of the paper money. Some studies show germs can live up to eighteen hours on paper money. Money also travels fast and can go all around the world before it reaches you.

Here are four best times to wash hands: When you come home; When you use the bathroom; Before and after you eat; and When you go to bed.
In addition to hand-washing here are some good ideas: Gargle the germs away with a warm rinse. It keeps the germs that like to hang on to the soft palate away; stay away from sick friends; when you have extra mucus, get rid of it. Enjoy warm drinks and soups.

Also, don't forget to take your vitamins. A great and festive way to get vitamins from some foods is to keep the skin on veggies and fruits and cook them with a seasonal flare. Potatoes have fiber, vitamin C, potassium and iron. Try baking them at 400 degrees for 40 minutes and then mash with the skins on. Add 1-2 tbsp of Smart Balance or butter and garlic powder, s and p. For apples, which are high in fiber and flavinoids, slice a tart variety and saute in 1 tbsp of water until soft. Sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon to taste. Cook 3-5 more minutes and you can top it with almond butter. Pears have all the above and can make a great snack if you cut in slices, top with slice of cheese and a green olive. Or you can toss with diced cucumbers, 1 tbsp of walnut or almond oil and 2 tbsp of white wine vinegar. Sprinkle s and p.

We wish you a Merry Christmas... We wish you a Merry Christmas... We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Flu-free New Year!

Be Well and Stay Fit- Spirit, Mind and Body


Wellness Wednesday 11/24/10
At this special time of the year, it is a wonderful opportunity to give thanks for all the love, laughter, friends family, good fortune and health in your life. It's a great time to dig into traditions and pass them onto the next generation. In the November issue of Family Fun, I talk about a tradition my family and I share. We pull out a tablecloth at the end of dinner and spread it out across the table. After dessert we all sign it with a note of what we are grateful for. Now, several years after my beloved grandmother has passed, I am so glad that we have that tablecloth to look back at what she wrote and have a piece of her heart.

New traditions are fun to teach to kids, especially when it comes to food. According to Publix, it may be important to try new foods a few weeks before Thanksgiving. You may break out the fine china for the main event but children do  great when they have plates with sections and know exactly what they are eating. Also, make the food finger-food or put the turkey on a roll.

- One tablespoon of baked sweet potato provides 48% of a child's daily vitamin A.
-good ideas to top a cracker with include; sharp white cheddar cheese and sliced fresh pears; herbed cheese spread, fresh basil, and cherry tomatoes;course ground mustard, smoked turkey, fruit preserves; or for a sweet treat, try peanut butter, banana slices and fudge sauce or chocolate syrup.

According to Dr. Oz:
- if you have high blood pressure, you most likely need to cut back on the salt. Instead of soy sauce, try balsamic vinegar. Instead of table salt try garlic and herb seasoning. Instead of bread crumbs, try Panco or the whole wheat variety. To see the big difference one serving of bread crumbs is 470 mg as oppossed to the Panco, which is only 32 mg.
-if you have high cholesterol, cut back ont he bad fats. One way to do this is to substitite avocado slices where you would normally use mayo.
-if you need to control your sugar, try substituting it with stevia. With stevia, you also wind up using half as much than you would if it were sugar, as it is a little stronger. Instead of using tomato sauce, try using whole canned tomatoes like San Marzano and take a tip the Italianos- make your own sauce. Instead of using BBQ sauce, try malt vinegar.

For your mind and spirit, remember "serenity now..." It is a mantra for this time of year with all the rushing around and craziness of the holiday season. I like to take a tip, not from a book, but from my 5 year-old son who occassionally sits indian style on the floor puts his middle finger of each hand to his thumbs closes his fluttering eyes and says, "no one can disturb my peace." Amen to that son.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Be Well and Stay Fit- Spirit, Mind and Body


Wellness Wednesday 11/17/10
With holiday festivities just around the corner, I've got some fun, tried-and-true ways to boost your metabolism for a whole day after you do them. Pay attention to these and give them a try so you are not putting "lose weight" on your resolution list for 2011. Here are the top seven, according to Health.com, listed with caloric burn amount. These are all in 30 minute increments therefore, one small workout- one giant payoff.
-Inline skating- 425 cal. Here you use great side-to-side and core movement.
-Running- 374 cal. The major muscles used here are legs, butt and core and they are the biggest caloric and fat-burning muscles in your body. Don't ignore them.
-Jumping rope- 340 cal. Remember Rocky? This is boxers' favorite way to train.
-Hula hooping- 300 cal. Marisa Tomei showed off her skills on The Ellen Degeneres Show with this one... and she has a fabulous figure. Tricks: get one that stands chest level, put one foot in front of the other to get started and lift your arms to shoulder level.
-Tennis- 272 cal. One caveat here... lots of stop and start.
-Dancing- 221 cal. Best here is high tempo with fast rhythms.
-Walking vigorously- 170 cal. A leisurely stroll doesn't cut it. Walk briskly enough so that it's difficult for a full conversation.

Some of these are repeats from other information I’ve given out but when it’s reiterated, I take special notice. Some tips from Dr. Weil- the top foods to eat everyday:
-Whole and cracked grains like Basmati rice, barley, wild rice and buckwheat
-Mushrooms, in all varieties. Mushrooms should be eaten cooked, not raw to help immune function. Mushrooms have antioxidants and health protective compounds. They are high in protein and low in calories. A favorite of Dr. Weil’s is zhu ling, an herb from the fungi family for lung health and has even been shown to slow down lung cancer.
-Soy in forms of soy nuts, tofu, beans and milk
-Cruciferous veggies like kale, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage
-Garlic and onions
-Healthy fats like olive oil.

He also suggests everyone should get a Hepa filter and take CoQ10 for optimal oxygen absorption. It is best 
 absorbed in gel form and better to take with a source of fat or a big meal.

What body type are you?
From More magazine: Those with big bellies do better on low carb/low glycemic styles of eating; meanwhile, those who carry weight predominantly in their rear do better with low fat and high carb, concentrating on veggies as a carb source. People who are overweight in a proportionate manner do better on a Mediterranean diet of fruits veggies and fats. Instead of meat as a primary source of protein, they do better with grains and nuts.

Be Well and Stay Fit- Spirit, Mind and Body

Wellness Wednesday 11/03/10
I am so happy for my longtime friend, whom I am coaching. She is basically at the end of our coaching sessions and it has been very informal but this was a labor of love for me. She is very independent with a very busy schedule and a young son. We still have to do measurements on her, however I was elated when I received this message from her:

"Hi girl- just weighed myself-lost 3 more pound.Walked a lot last night at Sawgrass Mall and no pain-I noticed a big difference!! THANK YOU!!!
I will forever be grateful to u for getting this ball rolling." ( end of 12 weeks… lost 20 lbs total so far) 

If you have made the pumpkin muffin recipe.. please let me know what you thought (momoftwoboys70@yahoo.com).
Okay trick-or-treating is over and I feel compelled to share some info and ideas about the candy that has taken over our kitchens.

According to  Parenting magazine the worst rated candy is the Twix bar- it weighs in at 286 cal., 10.8 grams sat. fat, 37 grams of carbs, and 27.5 grams of sugar. The rest of the top five worst are Milky Way, Baby Ruth, 3 Musketeers, and Mounds. The healthiest choice is the York Peppermint Patty. Of course I indulge in this one becasue of the dark chocolate and I am always preaching the benefits of dark chocolate. It has 165 cal., 1.9 gram sat. fat, 34.8 carbs, and 27.4 grams of sugar.

Now, what to do with all this candy? Okay first for my local peeps, there is a Delray dentist ( can find the story on WPTV online) who is buying back the candy, $1 per pound. This may be enticing to some kids who might rather enjoy going to a movie or getting a coveted item or may even want to save the money.
Some other ideas: you can use it for gift stuffing instead of tissue paper on small gifts; the candy can be used for counting or learning games ( scientificblogging.com); can be used in milkshakes or baked into cakes 
(recipegoldmine.com/candybar); a favorite idea of mine- you can take celery stalks with peanut butter or cream cheese and top them with peanut m&ms for a healthy snack. For adults only: You can pair certain candy with wine (starchefs.com), chocolates in coffee give it a quick and easy mocha flavor; soak it in your favorite vodka for an infused sweet treat!

Be Well and Stay Fit- Spirit, Mind and Body

Wellness Wednesday 10/27/10
Halloween is coming and I am so excited. I love this time of year and the start of the holiday season. I love to start getting all the holiday recipes out and the fun foods for the kids. The family is always gathered round my table and that really warms my heart.

Safety is key this time of year, especially if you have little ones who will be trick-or-treating. The book, Parking Lot Rules, stresses the importance of rule number one: When you are in a parking lot there is nothing more important than their walking next to you. Make it like a game and practice calling out "Parking Lot Rules!" to see how quickly they can drop what they are doing and get right next to you. It applies to so many situations in life and there will be times that you perceive a danger that they may have missed. I have tried it out and I got to say it works better than me shrieking or screaming out their name in a panic. Remember to sift through all the candy your kids get to make sure it will be safe for them to eat. Just to watch the sugar intake and to avoid overload, take the most coveted candy and make little treat baggies for them when they do an especially helpful deed and save treat times for only after they have eaten a healthy meal.

So what to do with those pumpkins the day after? I promised everyone a healthy pumpkin recipe and here it is: 3/4 cup flour, 1/4 cup soy flour, 3/4 cup whole wheat flour ( I usually don't have soy so I do 1 cup of whole wheat), 1/4 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 cup sugar ( or less or I use Truvia or Agave Nectar), 1/4 cup ground flaxseed, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1/4 tsp. groound cloves, 1/2 tsp. nutmeg, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 2 large eggs ( beaten slightly), 1 cup pumpkin puree, 1/2 cup plain low-fat yogurt, 1/3 cup water, 1/2 cup dried fruit  cranberries are yummy), 1/2 cup chopped nuts. Dry ingredients together, then mix with wire whisk. Wet ingredients stir and then add fruits and nuts, blend with spoon or fork. Spray muffin pan with non-stick spray and fill each 2/3 full. Bake 350 for 20 min or until done.
Happy and Healthy Halloween!

Be Well and Stay Fit- Spirit, Mind and Body
Wellness Wednesday 10/20/10
My new gal-pal, client is really on a roll. She is an inspiration to me and anyone who knows her. I never could have imagined she would charge through the program with such zeal. Not only did she get through her first week of detox no problem, her second week has her brimming with so much energy that she wants to do even more cardio and workouts than what was suggested to her. She wants to work out with me. Uh oh...poor girl. She already has increased her energy level, and looks less bloated and has seen a difference in the way her clothes fit. I can't wait to measure her!

She is a perfect example of the situation many face in America and I am sooo happy she is doing something about it. According to Prevention magazine- they are singing my song with these questions:
-Do you find yourself sluggish at around 3 in the afternoon?
-Have you noticed your vision or memory slipping?
-Even with earnest attempts, has weight loss been difficult?
-Do you reach for cookies or candy or soda for a shot of energy?

If so- scientists believe these symptoms may be caused by a single condition that affects millions and they don't realize it. Your blood sugar may be out of whack!!! Prevention magazine produced a book called The Sugar Solution which is a cookbook to help. This follows what I have been teaching my clients and loved ones, who will listen, about the low glycemic index. It's the way other countries do it and you can protect yourself from life threatening diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes. If you want to get on board or attain some knowledge you can contact me through momoftwoboys70@yahoo.com.

Here are some great flat belly meals I found in Women's Health: All these will keep you under a 1,500
 calorie plan and contain essential proteins and fats needed daily. Breakfast- All-Bran, 1/2 cup blueberries, 2tbsp of slivered almonds and flaxseeds, 1 cup fat-free milk; Lunch- 1 can chunk-light tuna w 1tsp Dijon mustard, 1tbsp plain non-fat yogurt and 1/4 tsp dill. Can do this by itself on a salad or on a piece of 100% whole wheat or multi-grain bread; Dinner- 4oz grilled salmon w lemon juice and dried oregano ( can use that same dill/yogurt/dijon mixture from lunch to dip for the salmon), 1 cup of grilled veggies like eggplant , zucchini, peppers, etc. with  1tbsp olive oil, 1/3 cup of brown rice, 1 cup of blueberries  for dessert.

On our way home from a short trip this weekend, I started reading my new book that is written from a man's point of view on rules for raising amazing children. Parking Lot Rules is an interesting and entertaining read. I really enjoy his rules so far but one I'd love to share that is appropriate for everyone is part of rule #8, which is Five Little Philosophies. The author, Tom Sturges writes about the fifth philosophy of "A Moment of Happiness," "There are few moments in every day when you realize that you are doing exactly what you want to do with exactly the people you want to be with." He goes on to say that this could be anything, like driving in the car with your family or sitting by yourself having a cup of coffee with the morning paper, or sharing a secret with  a best friend. The point is to recognize these as moments of happiness and to teach your children to recognize them as well.

Be Well and Stay Fit- Spirit, Mind, Body

Wellness Wednesday 10/13/10
Well my new client is an acquaintance from my son's school who is surely becoming my friend. It's so true that most of my clients touch my soul and we learn from each other in different ways, thus forging special relationships. Although quite anxious, she made it through her first week and I am so happy for her. The first week is the toughest.

Update on a couple of items - CPR is now allowed without rescue breaths and a requirement. There is also a new formula for calculating heart rate for women. The formula used to be 220 minus your age equals number. Then you multipky that number by 55 and 85 percent to find your range. Now a more accurate measure is to minus 88 percent of a woman's age.

A great recipe that I have been telling people about that is low glycemic that I want to share is my Lentil and Chickpea Soup. Please scroll down to my entry on 9/01 to get it in full.
Wellness Wednesday 10/06/10
Okay, this week has been bizzare for reasons I won't share and only a few know. However, I've had to face a lot of hard realities in my personal life. When you watch people whom you love suffer or struggle, whether they are young or old, it is heartbreaking. This week has been about acceptance and having courage to move forward.
On a professional note, I've picked up a new client who is eager to make changes and start the Lifestyle program. With this, I've learned that you can not make people do things, they have to want it in order to make it happen. I'm just there to help and provide information and encouragement. I have a family member who I wish to God more than anything would find the courage and desire to make serious changes, mostly for health reasons. To no avail, it is not on the horizon and it is the most frustrating thing to know you have the tools to help someone and all they need to do is want it and have the courage to act. Perhaps this is why I feel the need to share wellness every week for whomever wants to read it.

One of the things I do is teach people about how to read labels and what to avoid. I was watching Dr. Oz this week and he too was discussing "deceptive labels."  A couple of things to note from his show: When buying bread and grain specifically, look for 100% whole grain NOT multi. A great whole grain is quinoa and you get the added benefit of its high protein and fiber content; When buying dairy that claims to have added Omega 3s, make sure it is DHA no ALA. DHA is also less inflammatory and the kind you want to add to your diet. He notes, it is better to get it from fish like salmon, tilapia or halibut; When buying veggies, the canned kind are a no-no because of the high sodium content. Don't be deceived just cause they are vegetables. Instead buy natural or frozen; When buying snacks the label "no trans fat" doesn't always mean it's healthy. The 100 cal snack packs are good and low fat content is a good idea, however in dealing with any of these labels look at the ingredients instead. For example when dealing with fats, the ingredient hydrogenated oil is a trans fat.

You May Be Happier Than You Think Or Know
- if you were a smiley kid ( from a DePauw University study)
- if you have a sister (from a British study)- It is believed that females encourage communication and cohesion in families.
- if you are not always watching television. You are more likely to have a hobby or socialize if your not busy with the tube.
- if you keep souvenirs or pictures on display. People who do this remind themselves of good times and are happier, says a professor of psychology at the University of California. This also reminds you of your happiness potential.
- if you make exercise a priority.
- if you hang out with happy people
- if you keep warm with a steaming beverage like tea, ot cocoa or coffee.
- if you have two best friends.

Be Well and Stay Fit- Spirit, Mind and Body


Wellness Wednesday 9/29/10
Well yesterday started out on a high note. I received a call from the PTA vice president that the grant I had been working on and applied for had been accepted. My son's school was awarded the Health and Wellness Grant from the Palm Beach County Council of the PTA/PTSA. What a great first step. We will be able to help out a student or students who want to participate in the program that I teach. I am very excited and grateful for the gift.

So two weeks ago I wrote about the importance of suncreen ( scroll down to see). To expand on that, I found a great app for anyone with an iphone. MyUV alert shows the intensity of the daily UV rays in your jog zone so you'll know when to be extra conscientious about sunscreen.

There is a "new" workout called Tabata. I found this in my Fitness magazine. It is a superinterval workout named after its founder in Japan. I have been using this method in my runs and in working with some of my clients for a long while... I guess I never knew there was a specific founder or name for it... so there's a bit of trivia for you. By training this way, you can increase your VO2 max, a great mark of aerobic fitness and you can burn up to 53 calories in a four minute circuit. How it works- 20 seconds on high intensity training and 10 seconds of rest, eight times. I can tell you that integrating this into your routines will also help you increase your speed if you are a runner and running for time.

In my son Jake's class this week, I gave a yoga for kids demo. Kids are great because they are so curious and love to try fun things. They are not afraid to move their bodies in quirky ways. If you are a mom and find yourself sressed or at odds with your child/children, want to work on flexibility, want to do an activity with your kids or just bored, look up and try some of these moves fun moves: Breathing with the dragon breath, mountain pose, tree, shaking hands ( or rubbing hands together, which stimulates both hemispheres of the brain), the frog, the stork or flamingo, downdog to updog, rock n'roll, freedom and of course, child's pose. You may be pleasantly surprised with how you feel and how your kids respond. But have fun, not so rigid and serious with this yoga, and definitely be silly.

My best trick that I've tested over the last few weeks: This is something that has me so excited and if you have kids that like to snack in the afternoon, you have to try it. I was really tired of the kids coming home and asking for several snacks and then thinking they could have unreasonable portions. It's a fight I just don't think is necessary and don't want to have. So I saw this in a magazine and made it my own. I take an empty ice cube tray and fill each cube with what I want. Examples include cut up apples, cucumbers, carrots, frozen grapes, strawberries, ranch dressing, mustard, peanut butter, salsa, hummus, goldfish, pretzels, dark chocolate, cookies,  granola bar, corn or blue nachos, almonds, cashews...etc. So you see, I am sneaking in some bite-sized, good stuff and they never get too much of any one thing ( think about how small a cube is). They love it cause it is like a mini feast and they are more apt to try everything and eat it all up, leaving no waste. They are happy and tummies are full. I am happy because they don't argue with what I am putting in it, they eat it all and they feel full till dinner and focused for homework. We call it our party tray or smorgasbord and they actually look forward to it and ask for it all the way home from school.

Be Well and Stay Fit- Spirit, Mind, Body


Wellness Wednesday 9/22/10
Wednesday is here again so quickly and so much has happened in my life in a week. I have been faced with a difficult personal situation and it has really made me take a step back. Life goes by so quickly and sometimes I think we have to examine if we really "live" it or are we just going through it. It is so important to really live because when tough "stuff" happens that's when you have to buckle down and narrow the focus, which can definitely take a toll- physically and mentally. However, that's when you can take comfort in knowing there is nothing to panic about because you have been present in the moment and this is just a temporary hurdle. Nevertheles, this week I am talking to myself as well as all of you. It is sort of a to do list:

Breathing is key- most people don't realize the importance of taking a conscious breath. Deep breaths help you clear your mind and give way for positive thoughts. It helps us be more present and in the moment. We can go to it anytime and use breathing techniques to regroup and focus when we have to tackle tough issues.
If you take it a step further and do meditation, a yoga class or stretches at home you can receive many physical benefits as well. There was a big article on yoga this past Sunday in the Sun-Sentinel. Poses such a cobra, the bridge, triangle and downward facing dog help improve digestion and stimulate the circulatory system. Forward bends help stimulate the liver and kidneys and warrior poses can help increase lung capacity. Other benefits include relief from sciatica, lower back pain and menstural discomfort.

Lists and Laughter- Lists are important to stay organized and get things accomplished but I love the advice the author gives in Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit. I take her advice as a mental break or vacation. She says make lists of things you love and things you love to do. Do it often. By doing this exercise you return to yourself and develop the habit of remembering your spirit and staying true to it. And make lists of the things (movies, jokes, television shows) that make you laugh. This practice takes you out of your ego and your life's drama. It helps exercise your mind. And I love her mantra, especially right now, "No matter what problem you meet in life, simply know there is always a solution."

Music- Listen to beautiful music everyday. It will strengthen your inner light. Music is the language of the Spirit and rejuvenates us on a cellular level. Something to note however, is to not have interruption in the music and listen at a comfortable volume. It can help you in your quest to enjoy life, no matter what is going on.

Some people enjoy life more from the feeling they get when doing certain activities. The news recently reported that some people actually get a euphoric feeling when they get a bargain. So I felt it my duty to help get you "high." While reading in the Wall Street Journal, I found some great bargain sites to share: Groupon.com lets you sign up for alerts on daily deals at major retailers and the savings can be big - for example $25 off a $50 purchase at the GAP; for eating or entertainment deals try Eversave.com or LivingSocial.com. The latter plus Scoutmob.com have apps for the iphone as well; For moms, discounts for museums, child care and camps, try Mamapedia.com.; for green products and eco-deals try TheGreenHalf.com.

I actually get a charge out of natural, at-home beauty remedies and one I heard on Dr. Oz has me very intrigued- make a paste out of dry expresso grounds and honey, equal parts, apply it to your face or body for skin tightening. If you try it, let me know what you think at momoftwoboys70@yahoo.com.

Be Well and Stay Fit- Spirit, Mind, Body


Wellness Wednesday 9/15/10

So sad to say goodbye to my pal from elementary school. We had our last official meeting with his mom at my house for a swim with my kids and some ideas on what other exercises can be done in the pool, since he loves to swim. His personality is beaming through and I am so proud of him. I gave him a certificate of completion or "graduation" from the program and I think he feels a sense of accomplishment. After talking with his mom all these weeks, I know that she is committed and that makes all the difference in the world. I thank them for being brave and going through this process. They will always have the information so even if they falter here and there, they will always know how to get back on the right path to health and wellness. As the saying goes, knowledge is power.

I feel I have to address the importance of sunscreen this week. With one friend having cancerous cells removed from her face and a melanoma on her back and then running into another mom who had a melanoma removed from her leg, leaving her with quite a scar, I feel it's imperitive to pay attention. The importance of the sun is that we get the Vitamin D and living here in Florida we get that in 15 minutes, cumulative during the day, probably just by walking to and from our car during our busy days. The big deal is that the sun is a strong as it's ever been and we need to protect against UVA and UVB rays. Whatever you purchase, no matter how much of a bargain or how expensive, should have protection from both. Years ago I was alarmed by a study about Oxybenzone...which when heated enough was found to cause cancer. I was not going to take a chance on this ingredient in my sunscreens so therein went a private investigation. I found LaRoche-Posay  (LP) products did not have it, neither did Vichy. Also Burt's Bees and Dr. Hauschka are clean. LP does have AVObenzone which is supposedly safe. While at the dermatoligist, she suggested heavy duty protection will always come in the form of zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Also the sunscreens that have mexoryl are also very effective. CVS sells LP now ( I had to order it years ago since it was not sold in this country) and it has mexoryl and you can get it in 40 or 60 strength. It is pricey, but a little goes a long way. A trick if you want super cheap- get the zinc and to spread it more easily add it to a plain moisturizer like Cetaphyl or St. Ives. Hope this helps. As an aside, please go to the dermatologist. My friend who had it on her face had already been checked and the doc missed it. It was clear and a little raised, like a clear pimple. She never would have suspected except that it never went away. She persisted in asking and he tested it and it was cancer! They had to cut deep into her face. She had to find a plastic surgeon and new derm, but asking about it could have saved her life. Be your own advocate and take nothing for granted.

Tips for the week: Dr. Oz says add Vitamin B to your daily plan to lose weight. It metabolizes carbs and other foods quicker. Other foods on his health list to keep cancer away are bok choy, tomatoes, artichokes, strawberries and flounder. Also GRAZE- Dr. Sears ( you know, the baby book Dr.) says that grazers, as opposed to those who gorge on a few meals a day, feel full most of the day, suffer less colon cancer, have steadier moods, have a healthier immune system, tend to be less leaner, have less itis conditions, are less likely to suffer from diabetes, and live longer and healthier.
Also still so excited about last week's entry about coffee- here are 4 ways coffee cures, according to Prevention magazine: 1 cup per day lowers early death by most health causes by 37%; 2 cups per day reduces death by heart disease by 25%; 3 cups per day slashes risk of dementia and Alzheimer's by 65%; 4 cups makes you 56% less likey to develop type 2 diabetes. Note: this pertains to coffee without all the sugary add ons no doubt.

Take time for five deep breaths no matter where you are right now.

If you have any questions contact me at momoftwoboys70@yahoo.com

Be Well and Stay Fit- Spirit, Mind, Body


Wellness Wednesday 9/8/10

So I tell my friend who I am coaching that she should expect a realistic goal of 1-2 pounds a week when trying to shed the weight. We were supposed to check her weight and do measurements on Monday, but due to conflicting schedules we didn't meet but instead made a plan for later in the week. Monday marked the end of a month. She did the detox in the first week and found the rest of the weeks to be very manageable. She has been to parties and enjoyed foods that she loves and has even cheated a bit. However, she has now adopted new routines and likes them. You can imagine my pleasant surprise when while I was making breakfast on Monday morning, she texted me, "I weighed myself this morning and I lost 12 lbs! I am so excited!!!" She went on to say how motivated she is. She actually reached her first goal early and now she's setting her sights on the next. She is happy about the new energy she has to run after her young son. I am very proud of her dedication.

I am feeling melancholy about the young man in my program. This was our last week and I will miss our work together, me, him and his mom. He is not unlike other elementary school kids. He loves his video games, kind of shy, doesn't always eat his veggies, tries to please his parents. I think he listened to most of what I told him, but I know I had the cooperation of his mom and dad. They reinforced what I was trying to teach. They implimented the modes of exercise I instructed him on. They monitored his progress, along with me and were steadfast allies in this process. With all those ingredients, he is and will be a winner no matter what. He has learned about food and exercise and gained information that he will never forget and will always be able to refer back to. He started the fifth grade a few weeks ago, looking and feeling different, receiving compliments and having a new confidence that he didn't seem to have when I met him. I am so very proud of him and I hope he will look fondly on this experience for many years to come.

Interesting tips: Drink a second cup of coffee!!! Yipee! I was very happy to read that today from David Zinczenko, author of Eat This, Not That. He names a list of  the best nutritional tweaks that can improve the way you look and feel. Here are some: Think before you drink. Remember most of us drink 400 cal, instead of 200 cal. that we should. We take in 10 tsp. of added sugar a day just from soft drinks. He suggests swapping out those sugary drinks for no-cal drinks and you could lose up to 40 lbs. a year; protein with every meal can help curb your appetite; eat whole grains to lower heart disease and cancer risk; eat 4-6 oz. of oily fish to sharpen your mind; cut portions by 1/4; turn off televsion while eating; eat a handful of fruit and veggies a day; add green tea to stave off osteoporosis and bad breath; sleep eight hours; add zinc for health; and try to choose foods with the least amount of ingredients.

Be Well and Stay Fit- Spirit, Mind, Body


Wellness Wednesday 9/1/10

This has been a challenging week, more work, more homework and things to do, meanwhile less patience. I really do have to exercise mind, body, and spirit to keep myself in check.The boy I am working with  is looking fantastic and has a new confidence about him. It's great to see, especially since we are winding down our time together. As for my friend  who started a month ago, she is super happy and this is her crucial 4th week where we will see where her numbers are. However, she is thrilled. Some of her texts to me this week included, "I keep having to pull my pants up, everything is getting loose on me," and "I put on a raincoat that was tight on me a month ago and now it is loose on me." She expressed how much she is loving the way she feels. That is what is really important. Her energy levels are up and so is her mood. I am very excited for her.

Something I found in my Fitness magazine that really seems like it should have been invented years ago and it's only just coming out for sale now. It's an elliptical bike called the ElliptiGo. It looks like so much fun and perfect for anyone who can't run but wants to, and would like to exercise outdoors. It has eight speeds and participants say it is a cross between cycling and running. Why didn't I think of that?

Did you ever wonder what other perks besides heart health and weight loss your mode of exercise may have? A study from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine looked into the mental perks of exercise and here is some of what it found:
Walking- boosts mood and eases depression; Dancing- improves learning and memory retention; Wall climbing- increases attention; Speed intervals- reduces stress

I have been asked for recipes and this is a fall favorite of mine. It's vegetarian, low glycemic and packed with protein. Best part is that you can make lots of it at one time and freeze the rest. One batch goes a long way. I originally found it in O magazine, however I've changed it up a little bit:
Lentil and chickpea soup
Place 2 tsp. of olive oil in large pot over medium heat; Saute 3/4 cup chopped celery, one chopped medium yellow onion, and one large sweet potato ( can use yellow, but sweet is better for you), along with1 tsp. curry powder, 1 tsp. ground turmeric, 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon, 5-8 min; Add one 28 oz can of diced plum tomatoes with juice and cook another 10 min; Add 8 cups of water and 1 cup dried and rinsed lentils ( can use green or red or both), 2 cans of chickpeas, 1 tsp of sea salt and bring to a boil, then simmer, partially covered, for  45 min. to one hour. Before serving you can add lemon juice and some cilantro or leave it the way it is... either way it's a perfect meal.

If you have any questions or comments about this or nutritional counseling or exercise, please contact me at momoftwoboys70@yahoo.com

Be Well and Stay Fit- Spirit, Mind, Body


Wellness Wednesday 8/25/10

As school is back in full swing and activities resume, I am happy to see and hear the enthusiam from most of the kids. However, given the variety of schools and activities I am privy to because of my sons, I am also amazed at how many kids are over weight at such young ages. Many well-meaning parents think carting their kids from one activity to another is all they need to do. But it doesn't help when they are so burnt out and run out of time to make dinner that they head to the drive through most nights. In addition, what happens when the parents, mostly moms,  are so consumed with the child's activities and homework that they don't take a minute to consider their own needs. Remember we have years of this ahead. So compound all the damage we are doing to ourselves and our psyche when we continuously ignore ourselves. What kind of message does that send to our kids? Even this month's O magazine urges us to be a little selfish and take care. One thing we need is rest. Sticking to an earlier bedtime can help in the weight loss battle. Rest is rejuvenating for the body and necessary. For a lot of us, there is always that impulse to do "just one more thing," but we need to bump ourselves up from the bottom of our to-do-list. Taking care of ourselves allows us to take better care of those around us.

Speaking of weight-loss, you know how I am always saying to just breathe or meditate for wellness... well it can be used as a tool to curb the calories too. According to Nina Smiley, PhD, who runs a mindful eating retreat, whenever you are having an urge or craving ( which is different than hunger) try slowly counting your breaths up to four and asking yourself, "Am I hungry or am I eating for some other reason?" This helps you reconnect with your physical self. It also helps to rate your hunger level from one to ten every time you eat and try keeping a food journal. If you find certain foods are your reward or  that certain times of the day you "reward yourself" with unsatisfying or junk food, then perhaps try using something else as a reward, like taking a candlelit bath.

This week I found some great tidbits in Women's Health magazine to share.
Mind- Curb your cravings by heading to the bathroom to brush your teeth and/or rinsing your mouth with  mouthwash. 
Body- If you squeeze your pelvic- floor muscles and glutes while you stand, you can improve your posture.
Spirit- Smiling is the easiest trick to help make yourself feel better. It can improve your mood and overall sense of well-being.

Be Well and Stay Fit!


Wellness Wednesday 8/18/10

We did it! We got through the first day of school....yippee! It's a funny thing getting ready for the kiddies return. It's reminiscent of the x-mas rush at the stores.  A trip to Wal-mart for back-to-school items quickly reminded me why I refuse to do my holiday shopping during December. The crowds were ridiculous. In any case, it came and went, I saved a few bucks during the tax-free weekend and the kids are thrilled with their classes and teachers, so far. I have a good feeling about this year.

So when I picked up my oldest, Jake, at his school, I was pleasantly surprised. I parked and walked to the front so I could be there to greet him on his first day. Before he came out I saw the mother of the boy I have been working with/coaching. I saw her go up to the door of the school and take out her camera. She was taking a photo of a tall, slender boy. I couldn't really see the face from where I was. When I got up close to her to say hello, I could see the boy. It was her son. I had seen him last week , briefly, but now that I was seeing him dressed in his school uniform and looking well-groomed, he looked amazing. I was really impressed and proud of him I couldn't help but say something to the mother. She said, "you did this!" I couldn't take the credit and I told her, "no, he did this." My belief is that if you want something bad enough, you will do it. I am working with a friend right now who approached me about weight loss. I had worried about her in the past but I am ambivalent to tell people about what they need to do unless they come to me. It's like anything thing else, unless you are willing to do the work and help yourself for you, nobody and no cause can make you. She did the hard work of the detox the first week and she is so amazed at how much energy she has already. She is on the right track and I am so proud of her.

On  the way back home from a weekend getaway with the hubby and kids, I finished reading the book I have been quoting from, "Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit!" It was very powerful and while strapped into my seat, with nowhere to go, I was forced to face some tough things about myself from this book. At the same time I was excited and empowered. I guess you could say I had an "ahha moment." I am also eager to try some of the simple practices explained in  the book. It's all good. A basic viewpoint in the book is that we should all be kind to ourselves and  really examine if we are. For example, are we eating food that 's good for us? Are we eating too little or too much? Are we going to bed early and do we use a good pillow so that we have a restful sleep. Do we take time to relax? The author writes, "These are simple kindnesses that ease the harshness of life and feed your spirit." Now that we have sent the kids back to school and may find a moment to steal here and there, let's examine!

BTW- Great idea I found in Parenting magazine: foodessentials.com. This is for people who want to know the ingredients of their foods that are on the supermarket shelves. It also lists extra ingredients a product may contain and this is a big help for those with food allergies. Now you can know before you go and it may make your next grocery store trip a little easier. You can also download an app for this site for $4.99.

Be Well and Stay Fit- Spirit, Mind and Body

Wellness Wednesday 8/11/10

I was so happy to see responsible journalism again on the Today show regarding the childhood obesity problem in this country. They reported on a recent study, done in three American cities with 1,239 participants, that found girls as young as age seven were entering puberty. The most probably cause cited, was the rising obesity problem. This makes sense if you consider that girls who are obese have more fat, and fat increases hormones including estrogen. Girls being exposed to estrogen earlier can bring on puberty. In addition, as discussed on the show, being exposed earlier can also be linked to more cases of breast cancer down the road. This is very alarming on all fronts. They also suggested other unknown factors such as chemical and environmental, ex. hormones in milk.

For the moms out there who are running around like mad to get everything for back to school, I have this to say: We have to remember to breathe. This is actually a great time to relax and not amp up the workout. Let's be reflective on our summer and time spent with the kids and family. Take some yoga classes and meditate, rejuvenate. It's always a good idea to relax and reset your mind, so that your ready when the hectic schedules begin again. A great way to relax, is through stretching. We can slow our mind chatter down and loosen up tight muscles. Now there is research that suggests that stetching can also help our hearts. A study done at the National Institute of Health and Nutrition in Tokyo found that the least flexible participants had a higher systolic blood pressure which is a rish factor for cardiovascular disease. In addition, when you do get back to your regular exercise schedule, make sure to keep stretching as part of the routine.

So the book I love right now, "Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit," suggests we all make a habit to laugh out loud, even at ourselves. If you can't laugh at yourself then you don't stand a chance of being in Divine mind." The author doesn't suggest doing this in a mean-spirited way, but just objectively to rise above your emotional, "ego-invested suffering." Besides, laughter brings blessings and brings out the good in everyone. Don't be a misery addict. She suggests building a laugh library to help when you need a good laugh. This can include funny movies, tv shows, books, comic books, websites, funny screensavers and comedy skits for your iPod... you can even go to jokes.com for downloads. Start by making a list and refer to it whenever you need a good laugh. Hahaha!

Be Well and Stay Fit!- Spirit, Mind and Body

Wellness Wednesday 8/04/10

Good news to report this week. The young man I am working with has come upon his 6th week with me. I am very happy to announce he has lost 2 inches from his waist and lost another pound. He has also had a growth spurt; he's 1/2 inch taller. He is proud of himself and we are all very happy for him.

He is making great strides to avoid soda and sugary juices. He doesn't mind taking his mulitvitamin anymore and he is starting to enjoy some modes of exercise. His mom is getting in on the act and looking noticeably slimmer.

As kids get prepared to go back to school soon it is important to try and get them into a routine of having breakfast. The Today Show's Joy Bauer suggested that for those who are hard core against breakfast, call it a snack and get the kids to pick a few items they would be willing to eat after they get acclimated to the mornings,  on the ride to, or even when they get to class (some teachers allow that). Some snacks could be a trail mix, Cliff or Luna bar, cereal bar, string cheese. Some tips to remember - try to serve a protein like eggs or peanut butter. You can even do a whole wheat bagel with a peanut butter topping, wrap it to go for the kids. Also some foods just work smart together and make great breakfast choices.
According to Jenny Favret, a pediatric dietician, here are some ideas for optimal breakfast combos:
-strawberries and whole-wheat toast. The vitamin C in strawberries helps them absorb even more iron from the toast.
-oatmeal and milk. The magnesium in oats help you absorb even more calcium from the milk because it prevents calcium from binding to fiber and exiting quickly.
-cantaloupe and egg. Cantaloupe is a favorite in my house and is full of vitamin A. When you add the fat from the egg, your child's body will absorb the nutrients even better.

Finally, from a book I am reading this summer, "Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit!" I am really happy to share some of what I am realizing. First, for all us parents out there... we have to learn to laugh and start realizing what WE love. Sometimes we forget what our purpose is. "Our purpose is to look deeply into our hearts and share what we love." That will bring us great personal joy. So what brings us true joy? This book's author suggests we look inward to find what we really love. Make lists of the things you love and don't be afraid to create and share.

Be Well and Stay Fit- Spirit, Mind and Body

Wellness Wednesday 7/21/10

This week I am doing something different. I am forwarding some information that I did not write. Oh yes, I have mentioned some of this, like back on 4/21, however this is the research and opinion of a Dr. and another professional that I am sending yoru way. I have heard this Dr. on Nightline and he makes a tremendous amount of sense. Some of this may seem overdramatic to you but the numbers really speak for themselves. My disclaimer in this is that while it may not be realistic for all to be perfect in meeting our nurtritional needs each day, we can and should try our best, especially for our kids. My proclamation in all of this is that we really can't even begin on that journey until we know how food works in our body. Knowledge is free and is the key.
Here is what my friend sent me:

"Poor nutrition gravely impacts children's health throughout their lives. Take a look at the numbers.
* The CDC estimates that 1/3 of children born in 2000 will develop type 2 diabetes in their lifetime, and that children born in 2000 may not outlive their parents.

* Overweight/obesity rates have doubled among children and tripled among adolescents in the past 20 years. These children also suffer the social stigmatization associated with being overweight.
* Obesity in children increases their risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, asthma, joint problems, sleep apnea, early puberty, and several cancers.
* Signs of atherosclerosis can be seen in early childhood(1-3)
* Most adult cancers are linked to poor childhood nutrition.
The effects of poor nutrition on the brain are dramatic too - new research links poor dietary habits to adult violence.

The Cardiff University study involving 17,500 people found 10-year-olds who ate sweets daily were significantly more likely to have a violence conviction by age 34. The researchers found that 69% of the participants who were violent at the age of 34 had eaten sweets and chocolate nearly every day during childhood, compared to 42% who were non-violent.(4)

When it comes to something so simple and basic that so greatly impacts the quality of a child's life, there is no excuse to be negligent.
Somehow we overlook that allowing our children to indulge in junk food creates an environment setting them up for childhood illnesses, later life cancers, and an overall poor quality life. We ignore the hazards of some of their food choices and, worse, actually condone behavior that is potentially very harmful to them - even life-threatening!
We are the parents, and we must take control of our children's health! Indeed, we are in full control of the meals that we provide and the examples that we set. The bottom line is that we can have a major impact on the future health of our children.
With holidays  around the corner and the pending deluge of sweets and treats - please arm yourself with this critical information about how to protect your children's health, both mind and body, by feeding them right and educating them about the power of food."

All of the science and the basic how-tos are addressed in Dr. Fuhrman's book, Disease Proof Your Child.
Learn more about how to protect your children's health, read:
Disease-Proof Your Child, by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
Learn more at:
(also available on audio for listening while driving)

Be Well and Stay Fit- Spirit, Mind and Body

Wellness Wednesday 7/14/10

Exercise and good, balanced nutrition work together. That is always the key to health and maintaining a healthy weight. There are no shortcuts and I don't care what book you read next... that is the key. Once you know that and live that, you've got the answer. Try it for a week and you will see.

The young man I am working with is surprising me in leaps and bounds. I checked his journal and he is really incorporating exercise into his life. This week he will try to keep up what he is doing and utilize the Wii sports, ( he likes the boxing) 10 + minutes a day as an extra boost to his routine. I am loving his choices and his openess to try new things. He and his mother agree that they are not sacrificing anything they really love or want to eat. They are making more educated decisions and satisfying their wants and needs at the same time. The dad is even working out too. The mom showed me how she is working on her flexibility and can almost do a full split. Wow! It's all good, it's movemement.

Some tips this week:
-Try to boost your cardio capacity by doing small sprint intervals.

-Don't skip meals. I know Oprah had the author of "Women, Food and God," on her show who suggested that we only eat when we are hungry... however that could get misconstrued by some and lead to bad habits, like not eating all day. I love the mighty O, however I'm not in agreement here. A handful of almonds, for example, is a good thing to snack on and it is important to eat small, healthy meals at regular intervals to keep the metabolism going. "Simply chewing, digesting and absorbing food, kicks your metabolism into gear," says Jim White, a national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.

- By the way, to add a few pounds of muscle is a good thing, in body weight and resistance training modes. Basically don't be afraid of the heavier resistance or to go up in the amount of weight/dumbbells you work with. Ladies, you're not gonna get muscles like a man. Five pounds of muscle to your body can zap 600 extra calories an hour during your workouts. That should be incentive enough. Plus it feels empowering to get stronger.

-Take five. In the morning and evening, take five minutes to relax. Close your eyes, think about what you are grateful for. In the a.m. think what your spirit wants you to do in your day, take five long breaths. In the p.m. reflect on what your favorite part of the day was, take five long breaths.

Be Well and Stay Fit- Spirit, Mind and Body

Wellness Wednesday 6/30/10

I am vacationing in my backyard and I highly recommend it. I am putting money back into south Florida's economy while still keeping my budget and my kids think it's great. I'll write more in the days to come on the home page. Here we talk about wellness so...

-The update on the young man I am working with is that he has lost some weight and is making great strides, literally. He walked for 10 minutes, even though his mom didn't think it was possible without some pain. He did great and pain free. I talked about exercise last week and gave him an assignment. As I know the attention span of young adults does not usually allow for a full session of exercise on the same mode the whole time, I decided to tell him he cold break it up into 10 minute segments. I took him out for a fast-walk with plyometric work mixed in, and I think he was pleasantly surprised at how fast 10 minutes could go by. Then we kickboxed and punched the bag for 10 and then he did the eliptical for another 10. He is keeping up with his journal and is really trying to change some things around. I am very happy with his efforts. The knowlege he is gaining will stay with him all his life and I am very excited for him and his family.Keep it up!

- We have finally arrived here in summer. Yippee. As Floridians, we have basically reached this a whole month before it became official. I always feel summer is time to take inventory of yourself. I mean why not? You have to get into the least amount of clothes you'll ever where during the year and, sometimes you find things you've not noticed before. Therefore, It's a great time to rev your metabolism and change up your foods. It's time to put away the comfort foods and break out the refreshing, invigorating foods. Accotding to Fitness magazine, here are the top ways to do so: Eat breakfast; exercise more and kick up the cardio ( I say add variety like kayaking or swimming); add resistance training( remember muscle burns more calories); don't skip meals; go to bed earlier; schedule an extra or night workout ( you may as well since there are more hours of light. Walk off dinner). The article also suggests checking medications. See if they are still relevant and up to date for you. Some, like the pill, can really throw a punch to your metabolism.

Be Well and Stay Fit!

Wellness Wednesday 6/22/10

I's a new day and I am full of hope for a boy I am working with. We started and had our first meeting last week. He seems open to the possibilities of learning about food and how it reacts in the body and the concept that he is in control of himself. His mom is his greatest cheerleader right now. He is a little shy but this week's meeting we will focus on exercise and breathing.

For this blog's readers I have a couple of tips this week:

-Mom's if you don't already, start using more vinegar in your preparations. Vinegar's acetic acid could possibly be an all-natural obesity fighter. All you need is one tablespoon of vinegar, even in a drink. Scientist think acid tiggers genes to break down fat.
-A good practice to get into the habit of is squeezing lemon into a warm cup of water and having that first thing in the morning before you have anything else in your system. It helps to cleanse and rev the metabolism and get you ready for the day.
- I always say.. stay away from the white stuff whenever you can. One of the biggest "white" culprits is sugar. However, just want to make you aware that that doesn't mean you should use sugar substitutes like saccharin or aspartame. Those are foreign in your body and it doesn't know what to do with it. You are better off having a little of the real thing, just keep it between 20-40 grams. That equates to a small candy bar or 200 calories from sugar. Better yet, safe substitutes are Stevia, Agave nectar or honey.
Biggest tip- listen to your body and rhythm of your heart and spirit. That will always be your best guide throughout your day. You can only achieve that if you slow down and take deep breaths. The proper way to a relaxing breath is to breath through your nose slowly and deeply and then exhale through your mouth slowly.

Be well and stay fit!

Wellness Wednesday 6/6/10

As of today, school is out and I am able to get closer to that required 8 hours of sleep we are all supposed to get each night. That'a plus. However now I have the challenging job of keeping the kids entertained 24/7, as do most moms. Since a full schedule of summer camp is not an option because of budget and simply put, because I am home in the afternoons and actually like my kids and want to spend more time with them, I have what I call, "Mommy Camp." Through the next couple of weeks I will give some cool local and not so local ideas of what myself and some other moms are doing with the kiddies to keep them active.

On the battlefront: I am still hoping and wishing the school will let us promote our program when we return in August... however I am going to be working with one mom and her son, who is overweight, and battling some other obstacles. I will keep you all on top of their progress.

Meantime, we all have to take advantage of the great summertime weather and get active. My first choice.... swimming. Might I add there is nothing better than working up a sweat from, biking, running, or walking ( just wear sunscreen and bring water) and then hitting the pool... oh so refreshing! Try it and you will be addicted. Hopefully you have a pool or a community pool...if not, call my hubby and he'll build you one!

Tip of the week: if you are gonna walk or run to the beat and have an iphone...try downloading isweat2thebeat.com. That will allow you a database of 70,000 plus songs to choose from. You can even scroll through and find songs that match your pace if you counts your beats. On the food front you will need some carbs for energy an hour before, ex. oatmeal with fruit; you will need some lighter carbs if you can only fuel up 30 min. before, ex. cup of yogurt; make sure you rehydrate during the workout- flavored water is perfect, no need for heavy sports drinks; a post workout meal should include a nice mix of protein (for muscle growth) and carbs (to replenish). Enjoy and make this a summer of fun. Also if you have some cool summer fun ideas to share, let me know so I can post em.

Wellness Wednesday 5/12

No new news to report today. This is mostly because I did not want to feel like a hypocrite since I am now hobbling along with a messed up foot. I tore the ligaments in my right foot because of my own carelessness and had to wear a cast and a boot for the past week. I am free of the cast as of yesterday and now I just wrap up the foot and wear a boot. I am also doing some of my own rehab on it.

I am excited however, since my garden is producing eggplants, finally. It was about two weeks ago when I stood in the garden with Jake and expressed to him that if the plant that is taking over my backyard does not produce , then I am taking it down. Well, two days later , Jake comes running up to me saying that the plant has funny-looking black things growing. I took a look and sure enough it was eggplants! I have already picked five of them, one of which I have given to my mom and another I have cooked and eaten already. This all started from a seed. And who says eating healthy is expensive? I say start a garden.

So the wellness lessons I'm sharing are the ones I've learned this week: slow up and let things take their course; be careful and pay attention to signs and intuition

Wellness Wednesday 4/28
No news about the childhood obesity program at the school except that it looks like it will not be starting this summer. It will possibly get started in the new school year. My friends and I have come up with a very interesting way to raise money to make the program a success and possibly contribute to other existing programs. I will disclose the idea if it looks like it will come to fruition. In the meantime, I am actively searching for grants and gathering information.

Today though, I must talk about my mom, and so relavant since Mother's Day is approaching. I can not express how proud I am of her. She just came back from her doctor appointment last week and was beaming. Not only has she lost inches and 14 pounds since last summer, but the doctor took her off one of her blood glucose medications since she has been prediabetic. This is thrilling information for me, especially since I have been working with her for the past two months on the Transitions Lifestyle program (Low-glycemic eating). Although she was resistant at first, especially about the detox week, she stuck with it, added exercise and now she is there! She lost 10 of those 14 since I have been working with her, she feels great, has energy, her self esteem is through the roof and has adopted great new habits. We went out with our ballroom dancing group Friday night and she was so excited about being able to fit into a pair of pants she hasn't been able to wear in at least two years. She got up and danced in front of strangers in a public place. Go Mary.

She still has more to go and I know she will do it. Now we just have to work on dad...

Wellness Wednesday 4/21
No word so far on the school program to help combat childhood obesity... I am looking into grants and possibly trying to get one written over this summer. A friend has also given me a fabulous idea on how raise money if I decide to go it alone. This will be an ongoing effort on my part and of course I will use this outlet to get the news out about it.

As I have said before, the foods our kids have today is at least three times more sugar-filled than when we were kids ( I'm pushing 40). This is also said to be the first generation where many will not outlive their parents. That is crazy, and preventable. A study out today in the Journal of the American Medical Association reiterates that added sugars convert right to fat. They are directly responsible for health issues. They are in a plethora of foods from cereals to ice creams to pasta sauces and unlike fruit sugar, added sugars have no nutritional value. To give you an idea of what you should strive to stay under - 100 calories from added sugar a day for women and 150 for men.

A simple thing like cutting out soda, which is the number one source of added sugar, can make a big difference. If snacking is a big problem, substituting candies or cookies for fruit  is always a better choice. A member of my Transisitons Lifestyle group who I am coaching and who has tremendous success just turned me on to a great "sweet" product with practically no sugar. It is called Crunchies, a real fruit but freeze dried fruit product. It is only 25 calories per serving, no sugar added, with only 4 grams and no hidden sugar ingredients. It is a raw food and gluten free, and even my kids love them. They are great to mix with raw almonds or other nuts of your choice for added protein. If chocolate is your thing... dark chocolate is the best choice because of the antioxidants. Go for 85% dark if you can, most brands have this option now. 


Well gals and guys I am calling this segment our little coffee break in the middle of the week. Every week I will try to give a tidbit of info or commentary on health, fitness and overall wellness. If you have not read "about me" on this site, I am a certified personal trainer and have been involved in the fitness industry for 20 years. I was also a reporter/journalist and I had the privilege of doing health and fitness related interviews and stories. I feel it is important that we all stick together in this challenge because wellness and preventative care is essential to our quality of lives and well being... and so many moms are missing the boat on this one. I know it's not because they don't know the right things to do... heck I am in the biz and I still don't get the right amount of sleep ( a component of wellness). It's mostly because moms, whether working or stay-at-home, do so much taking care of everyone and everything around them that there is literally no time left at the end of the day. What are we to do?

First let's all take a deep breath. Take another and count to five, let it our for five. Keep going until you work your way up to ten. And stare into space while you do this or just focus on an object or spot. it's hard to think of nothing... go ahead ladies, I dare you. I dare you to feel refreshed!

Okay now that is done, do it again tonight before bed. Do it each night, work your way up to a minute of breathing, eventually five minutes. AHHHH your meditating, slowing the heart rate and relaxing... so good for your life.

Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius stated, "We must make important investments in prevention and wellness. It's time to make preventing illness and disease the foundation of our healthcare system."

If you didn't know, here are the five basic components of wellness: physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual ( a sixth has recently been added by the National Wellness Institute- occupational). Let's all strive to work on one of them this week. Feel free to comment.

Wellness Wednesday 3/31

Since the late 90s when I was a reporter and part-time fitness instructor, I was intent on helping people getting healthy and fit. Back then I was only starting to learn about kids and obesity as a growing problem in this country. I did news reports and wrote a couple of articles on the subject. When I left reporting and helped open a 37,000 sq. ft. health club facility in Coral Springs, part of my program emphasized on kids fitness. We even were one of the first gyms in south Florida to outfit a room with kid-sized gym equipment and machines. It's been four years since then, a big named, chain fitness center has taken over that facility, I now live in Lake Worth and specialize in working with the over 50 population. However my passion is still as strong as ever to help kids.

When I first moved up here my oldest son was starting elementary school. I soon found out that cuts were being made in the schools and P.E. was one of the first to get the axe. It was brought down to a six-day rotation. I immeditely decided that my volunteer work would be to give a day per week of a physical exercise session to my son's class, this way some weeks he had it twice and some weeks he and his classmates had at least one session a week. I even went so far as to put a pretty comprehensive program together and got to present to the district coordinator at the school board. To no avail, there was and is no money for such a program. Therefore unless I could magically either win the lottery or get funding, it was not going to get done. However, he gave me the green light to go ahead with what I was doing with my volunteer work- of course, because it costs the school board nothing but my time.

So I went along my merry way. Now I have a chance to hopefully affect some change through the company I work for and the nutrition program they have incorporated, based on the low-glycemic index. It works well with adults and now they have an interactive webste along with a program for kids. According to Senate Bill 610, physical education reqirement for elementary school students states that each district school board shall provide 150 minutes of P.E. each week in grades k-5. I know that they feel that this will meet their requirements if the teachers do their part to get those minutes in to compliment what the P.E. teacher gets to do. However, I have spoken to teachers from Broward and Palm Beach counties and 99% of those I spoke to tell me they are overworked and can not possibly add another thing to their plate. They do what they can and most of the time they write it in their agenda or count recess time for the requirement. And who could blame them? I sit on the SAC committe at my son's school and yes, they have a lot of hats to wear.

I am going to do what I can where I can, hopefully starting at the elementary school level. But bureaucracy can be a slow, and sticky thing as was noted on the show, Food Revolution.. I will use this part of my site, not only for moms who want info for themselves but also for moms who want valuable information to help their kids and relatives. Remember knowlege is power and there is nothing wrong with learning about what you are eating, how it reacts in our body and how to keep your self healthy.

Please visit every week as I will do my best to update for Wednesdays.

Facts and points: 7 out of 10 people are overweight; if you are 30 lbs. or more overweight, you are considered obese; one out of three children is obese or overweight; seven out of 10 will be overweight adults; 90% of obese kids already have an avoidable risk factor for heart disease; according to the Center for Disease Control the number of obese kids ages 6-11 has doubled since 1980 and tripled for ages 12-19; many obese people have Syndrome X (Metabolic Syndrome) and either have or don't know they have diabetes;
This effects all of us in rising healthcare costs.
But changes can occur. I will fill you in next time...


Easter was well received at my home and my kids made it through without tons of sugar. Unfortunately all our kids are exposed to three times more hidden sugars than when we were young ( "we" meaning the over thirty set). That in tangent with the fact that our kids p.e. programs are being cut left and right and many have lots of "fun" trinkets and electronics to keep them sedentary and indoors, we have a real health dilemma.

To update my friends and family, while I enjoyed my Easter holiday cooking and entertaining, I had a knot of nerves and anticipation in my gut for most of the day about what I would be doing on Monday. What I did was stand before my son's principal, vice-principal, teachers, staff and parents and spoke as a mom and a fitness professional about childhood obesity and why we need a change now. I spoke for about 15 minutes about how I have been passionate about this subject since at least 2004 when I wrote an article about it. How healthcare costs are rising because there are more health issues that come with obesity in adults and kids. How we as a school should work on the grassroots level to help parents and kids get educated on food, nutrition and exercise and that I would be willing to do it gratis since there is no extra funding coming to the schools anytime soon. How I am not just an overzealous mom but actually qualified and have the knowledge and 20 years experience to be up there talking to them. How I know of and utilize a program that could help and how we can implement it in the school.

My boss was there and said I did an excellent job, the president of the PTA loved what I had to say, as did the parents. What will the pricipal decide... I'll keep you posted.

Wellness Wednesday 4/14
A study in the journal of Young Children, stated that children are only getting about 10 to 15 minutes of outdoor play a day. The study suggests that if kids could get more outside time in they would naturally be incorporating activity and thus more exercise. So one thing we could all try this week, as spring has given us some lovely weather and it is staying lighter longer, is to gradually add minutes to our kids outside time. A culprit in the battle against the bulge is a real quiet one... sleep. Most of us moms do not get enough sleep, and of course we all have a million reasons why. However it is also important for our kids to get the required amounts of sleep for their age becasue, as with adults, fatigue alters appetite-regulating hormones. Although I don't recommend high energy exercise before they go to sleep, kids may benefit from some light stretching before bed, breathing exercises, visualization or some kid-friendly yoga.

The chair pose - have them stand feet together, take a deep breath, slowly bend the knees then lift left foot to inside of right leg. Once they can hold their balance while taking relaxing breaths, have them raise theri hands above head. Have them try it again, lifting other leg. The wall in your house is also great for getting them to try different poses and just relax or work on posture. Have them sit with back straight against the wall and sing the abc's really slowly or a favorite song. If you see their shoulders come away from the wall, have them start over. Also you could have them lie down with legs straight up against the wall. Put a light book on their stomach and have them breath in and tell them to watch as they puff their belly out and the book rises. Then have them breath out slowly to the count of five as they watch the book. In addition to reading, that's another way to get them to relax with a  good book!
Some suggested snacks: Smartfood popcorn clusters - only 120 claories, Back to Nature cookies, Simply Fruit roll-ups ( kids love these), Pure Bars ( organic, raw).