Sunday, December 6, 2009

Boys to Little Men

Well, I have to say I just don't know where the years go when I look at my boys. They are getting so big and 7 year-old Jake is actually complaining about growing pains. Although, I think it is me who is having the worst growing pains of all. Recently I had a family function at my home and before that, a couple of weeks ago I took the boys to a very fancy schmancy wedding. I was surprised but both boys handled themselves in a very mature manner. Jake however really has taken on a mature demeanor when he is around grown-ups. He even stopped to help a lady who dropped her napkin at the wedding. So I got to thinking that maybe some of my hard "work" with them is paying off. Then I realize that it is just a process. The see, they imitate and they learn. Although I am happy and feel that I can now be somewhat calm at a respectable sit down dinner with them, it all still makes me a teeny bit sad. They are getting older. Evan, now four, is not such a baby anymore. I can't rock him in my arms. So now I am realizing that not only are they maturing, they are growing by leaps and bounds. Walking with Jake today, I had to swing my arm around his head to put my arm around him. We joked that in no time at all I won't be able to get my arm around or over the top of his head, he will be too tall. I know one day it's going to be hard to even remember them as babies so I am savoring every moment with them... and taking lots of pictures.

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