Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wellness Wednesday

Welcome to 2010! I have renewed energy for my fitness goals this year and I hope all you moms out there do too. I hope you made your lists. If you notice I wrote "fitness goals" and "lists" because in order to get somewhere you have to know where you are going and have a map or plan. Just like you wouldn't go grocery shopping without some sort of list... that would be a waste of time right? As busy moms, most of us would leave without half the stuff we needed. I am not being insulting, I am just stating an example of how we usually get things done on a daily basis... and that is with some planning or list. Integrate that concept with actually reaching a major goal - getting a degree, running a marathon. Needless to say major goals would be hard to achieve, even without children, if you didn't have a plan. The point is, so many people say they want to lose weight or get in shape but have no idea how to do it and no plan. For my almost 20 years in the fitness industry, it never fails that I see a big wave of newcomers in the gym every January and by March they are nowhere to be found. That's because they didn't have a plan or a trainer to keep them on track. They certainly had the desire but what happened? No plan.

The biggest pitfall is that if you do not work it into your busy schedule, it will slowly but surely disappear. There will always be an excuse not to exercise. It has to be a priority, like brushing your teeth... okay I hope it is a little more fun for you than that. If not, then you definitely have to check out your options to make it enjoyable. Remember, there is a social dimension ( see my entry on dimensions of exercise) which delineates the importance of families, friends and other outside influences. For example there are all kinds of group exercise activities at the gym or walking groups.Those walking /running groups are also great if you plan to get involved with a cause or charity event, like a 5k walk/run for example.

For me, my new passion to make my fitness goals more fun and attainable is working out with my kids with the Wii. I finally gave into a gaming system this holiday season, with the compromise that it had to be Wii Fit. Of course as a fitness instructor and personal trainer, I had my reasons, however now I find the kids are using it, loving it and want me to participate with them. I have even experienced soreness in my back muscles from the boxing. Of course there is no substitute for getting outside and taking our bike rides and runs together... but heck it's been cold here in sunny Florida! The Wii Fit was here just in time for the 40 degree weather, so I couldn't use that as my excuse not to work out.. and after seeing the fun my kids were having with me while being active...that was just fine with me.

1 comment:

  1. Moving to Tahoe has giving me a whole new outlook on excercise. I used to go to the gym everyday at 5 am. Now I haven't been to the gym in a month. I walk outside, ski and snow shoe. Oh and don't forget the shoveling of snow. What a back workout. I am finally in my workout wonderland!
