Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Jake and Evan are doing this thing lately where they copy what everyone is saying. They do it to each other, to me, grandparents, even their daddy. When they do it to each other, it's cute for a moment but it gets annoying to me pretty quickly. I know that this is just another form of expression but I do try to quell it when I think it has gone on long enough. It usually loses its appeal with them after a few rounds anyway. However I realize there must be more to it because it appears in other forms. Maybe it's the curious side of children or just their ages but copying or mimicking seems to be running rampant... and it's not always annoying. In fact, I am seeing it is an interesting way to learn.
For example, I have Jake dusting his furniture in his room. It is a way for him to earn points and money when we go to Disney and it teaches him responsibility. I have him do it on the days that I clean so he can feel like he is pitching in too. Well my requests for him to clean aren't always welcome and that was the case this weekend. After some complaining, and me explaining why he needs to do it, he did it. Then along comes Evan with his own agenda why he shouldn't have to clean his room. I guess it wasn't my day. So before I could even start my sermon to him, the boy I call Jake who just a few minutes prior was pitching his own fit, turned into a grown man all of a sudden, spewing out to Evan all of the reasons I had just given him on why it must be done. Jake turned into me for a moment. And sometimes he turns into his daddy too. This happens often lately and it is quite comical. So maybe he does get it. I'm thinking the initial protests are just to wear me down.
I guess the funniest copycat move came today in Target. I am a little bit of a germ-o-phobe. I love hats but hesitate to try them on in stores because of lice and other gross things that I may not want on my head. So when I pick up a hat I swipe it with my hand, blow in it and shake it out. So I did that today after Evan and I saw the cutest hats in the boys section on clearance for $2 each. Of course I did my hat maneuver before letting Evan try his on. Then I turned to look at something else. When I turned back I saw Jake copying the same move before he tried on his hat.
Who says they aren't paying attention? Being a copycat can sometimes be a good thing! I just hope they copy the important stuff along the way.

1 comment:

  1. My girls were the same way. Now that they are older the 11 yr old copies the 14 yr old just to annoy her!!!!! It isn't nice and I told her so. But everything they do is funny and you really have to pick and choose your battles.
