Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Did you ever have one of those days?

Most of the time when you hear someone say, "did you ever have one of those days?" it connotes a sense of defeat or frustration with the way the day went. Well not here. I like to think of myself as a mostly positive person but usually my days with work half the day, commitments and deadlines and my two boys all the other hours of the day leave a lot of room for uh ohs, oopsies and mishaps. So in this instance when I ask, "did you ever have one of those days?" I am referring to a day when the planets aligned, everyone was calm and all things were right in my world.

It was a Monday and the kids woke up on time and happy while John slept. The cat got fed, lunches were made and Jake had time for, vitamins, drink and an egg. There was no wasting time getting ready and no whining. After dropping both kids to school I got to work on time without feeling rushed. I had time to run a quick errand between jobs, then it was home for lunch. After checking emails, I left in a flash to get the boys. Jake had a great day, made a request for me to stop at D&D for a snack and when I told him "no" there was no retort. We picked up Evan and he too was in a great mood. And most of the time the boys are in great moods, it's just the afternoon rush of homework and activities can often takeover and make them and me a little nutso. But on this particular day I found a perfect balance keeping Evan busy at the playroom table with coloring and then a floor puzzle while I helped Jake with homework. They even came into the house and washed up without me having to tell them. I had time to make them a healthy juice and celery and ranch snack (usually it is a battle since Evan is a chip monster) and they both accepted without objection. Whew. This all may not seem like a big hurdle to some but most moms, of boys especially, know how difficult getting one to focus on homework while the other is entertained can be. Everything got done, they had time to play and then I started dinner with only a half an hour to spare before Tae Kwon Do. That can also be problematic some days as the little one needs help getting his outfit on and belt tied and they both tend to procrastinate getting ready until the last minute no matter how many pleas I make. However on this day I had their outfits laid out on their beds and they were on it like champs. I had everything ready to go and we were out the door. John and I made the trade off, him taking Evan home when his session was done and I waited for Jake who was done an hour later. Jake got out on time and was a perfect gentleman, even holding the door for me.

Dinner was a hit, according to John, and the bedtime bath routine went off with no problems, the kids even had a little visit from nana and papa. Snacks were had, teeth were brushed and books were read and both boys were in bed in semi -lit rooms by 8:15. A switch was made at some point around 8:30 and the two were snuggled up together in Evan's bed. I could only stop a minute and stare at their precious faces as they slept so peacefully. My heart was happy just looking at them. They have that power over me to make my heart smile, no matter what kind of day I've had, but what a great day this was. Did you ever have one of those days?

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