Sunday, April 11, 2010

Seeking Assistance- I think?

Okay how many times have you felt this way? As the CEO of your abode, you try to do so many jobs and wear so many hats? Sometimes, maybe more than others, you want to just scream from the rooftops "I need help!" Well, I feel this way - a lot. My hubby does his share of pitching in sometimes but mostly, he is the outside guy. If there is a job to do outside or fix something in the house- he is the man to do it. He has a no nonsense approach to all of that and thankfully he is handy. So I do have a quite capable and very handsome handyman. However I always have something that I need to do that doesn't ever seem as rewarding as fixing something that is broken. All the mundane chores are mine: laundry, cleaning, cooking etc. Don't get me wrong I love to cook and sometimes take a lot of pride when I have cleaned my home... but I just need a break sometimes from the constant spin of the wheel. Oh and let's not forget the "project" that I always feel I need to tend to, or piles of paper, artwork and cluttered closets that are always staring me down. If I just had a week to myself, I'm convinced I could get it all done. The probelm is that there are not enough hours in the day and why do I have to do this thing caled sleep? Am I just overzealous? Who knows but it is a constant source of frustration for me. I am convinced if I could get all the things I want to get done I could save the world. Okay maybe not. And you would probably wonder why I don't get a cleaning lady to help alleviate some of my issues? Well here goes my mental condition - I feel guilty hiring someone to do something in my house that I know I can do myself... and better. Uggghhh, so you see my frustration. From painting a pirate wall mural to scrapbooking, to organizing, to cleaning my spacious home, I can do it myself and I am saving money. But I do dream about one day hiring a houseboy? Well that will eventually be my boys (can't wait). They already are a pretty decent source of help. They dust their furniture, and seem not to mind light vacuuming. They also bring their plates to the sink from the table and are in the habit of emptying their laundry baskets next to the washer and dryer on laundry days. The little one likes to clean and jumps at the chance to help. Sometimes that means he'll spray a bottle of something that was not meant for windows on the windows, but overall the enthusiasm is refreshing. I am counting on them being like their daddy, only I am grooming them for the "inside jobs."

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