Tuesday, June 8, 2010

School is Out, Mommy Camp is in...

Yes, it's that wonderful time of year when we can all breathe a sigh of relief for a little while. The kids are not worrying about tests or projects or what I am gonna pack them for lunch. They can stay up a little later and I am not rushing them to read their books and get to bed. They are not so scheduled and I think that is what I love the most. Oh heck, who am I kidding... I get to sleep in an extra hour every morning! That's what I love the most!

Jake came off of a busy month of May. He made his Communion after two years of a hard commitment. He also finished big at school with mostly As and one B. He is testing tomorrow for his green belt in Tae Kwon Do. Evan is also testing for yellow and he is still in school three days a week for most of this month.... and not very happy with me about that. "I wanna stay home with Jakey," he tells me. They will both do two weeks of summer camp at Evan's school and that should be a fun time. Either way home or camp, Jake was definitely ready for a break from school. I do know that when it is time to get them back to that place, I will be ready to get them back into school again, mainly because they start getting cabin fever by August and I'm tired of being fun and interesting by then. However, now is when I am fresh with overzealous enthusism and positive intentions. I get all my magazine clippings of great ideas together and I get my wipe board out where I can post their expected chores and responsibilities and keep track with stars and checks. Stars mean pocket change for when we go on little excursions, ie. during the week of Mommy Camp, and checks mean extra DS time. Oh that little item was a Communion present, so thanks to all of you who contributed. That darling gadget has caused many arguments. That is because there is always one who is breaking the rules around the DS usage and then punishment or banishment has to occur. We are one month into this and I am still working out the kinks. Besides getting another one (not happening anytime soon) for my four year-old (going on 30) and using an egg timer to divide playtime, if anyone has any good solutions to this issue please feel free to comment.

Summer is also when we learn new things. I try to teach them Spanish and introduce them to different games, music, and intruments every summer. Today I took them for a one-mile walk. This was Evan's first time around the whole circle where I live and he ran half of it! I, of course, am still relegated to only walking since I tore the ligaments in my right foot at my birthday surprise...but that is another story. They also get to swim, almost everyday. This year they are also going to learn golf. Mommy Camp will be taking place the last week of this month and I have some new places to take them to... should be interesting.

1 comment:

  1. The only way to share the DS is by time....we also only have one at our home and the girls take turns and really abide by the time frame. It teaches them respect for eachother. When they learn this at a young age it carries them through their lives, as respect is a great lesson to be learned.
