Sunday, May 9, 2010

What I love about being a mom...

Last week Evan, my youngest, came home and asked me if he could wear eyeliner and shave his head like his and his daddy's favorite band, Shinedown. I was a bit taken aback by this, as any mom could imagine. So I answered with mom speak, "we'll see," which means "heck no" in my reality. He loves to dance for anybody who will watch and wants to be a rock star. I should be glad he is so eager and determined, even if he is only 4.

On Saturday, Jake made his first Communion after two years of hard work and dedication. He attended mass every weekend and CCD classes once per week. He learned prayers and good principles. I was so proud of him. He is really growing up and it makes me sad but happy for him all at once.

Tonight I saw that a friend of mine posed a Mother's Day question to all her mom friends on Facebook.. "What do you love about being a mom?" Then I thought about these moments and thought... I love this... all these moments, not only the proud ones but the crazy and silly ones too.

Some things I love are these: I love the way they smell; I love to watch them sleep; I love when they sing and dance; I love when they try to make me laugh even though I am mad and trying to be serious; I love the way they say words like gawgeoous, O-pah-rah, Cheesus, chickmonks...; I love the way Jake shows such concern for me, as he did last week when my foot was put into a cast for torn ligaments; I love the way Evan still wants me to hold him and lay on my belly at night; I love when they stick their feet in my face to smell or kiss them( their feet are still cute and not smelly boy feet yet); I love to watch them swim and play with their friends;I love their hugs and kisses. I could seriously go on and on. I just love them!

Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. When they are little it is so easy to point out the cute little words...when they get older like my girls you love being their mother for the wonderful caring people they turned out to be.
