Monday, November 16, 2009

"Mommy, I love you."

Okay so Friday my son Jake and I were riding home in the car after I picked him up from school. We were listening to music when all of a sudden I hear his voice say, "mommy, I love you." It's not like I don't hear this often from the boys, (I find little boys are so loving towards their mommies - a great perk to the job) but something about this just struck a chord. I reached one hand back ( one hand on the wheel, looking straight ahead of course) and said, "Aww Jake, I love you too ... so much. He immediately grabbed my hand, we held hands affectionately for a couple of seconds and I asked him what prompted that. He replied, "I just really love you." It was unprovoked, no hidden agenda and it just melted my heart as a tear filled my eye. I had all to do to hold it in.

So it got me thinking ... at what point do these mischievous, but adorably loving boys whose lives and well being I am responsible for every minute of every day and night turn into young men? It's hard for me to think about since my seven year-old is still my baby, along with my four year-old. It's a hard concept to think about, especially at moments like this...

1 comment:

  1. These moments are Precious moments and where we go when we are about to lose our minds. They calm you down and bring you back to normal.
