Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wellness Wednesday

Thanksgiving Day is fast approaching and the stress of the holidays is already here. For us moms that means once the turkey day trimmings are all packed away, we will be spending even more time in the car, rushing around for parties, projects and presents, just to name a few items on our daily list. It's like we all take on a part-time job this time of the year, in addition to everything else.

Since we will most likely be spending more time sitting in our cars or on our cell phones, we may forget to give our bodies a chance to lengthen. Spending a few minutes each day stretching can help. It can also prevent knee and back pain.

Try doing simple movements like pointing and flexing your feet; wrist circles; bringing your head and neck to one side and raising your opposite arm; raising one arm while lifting and gently pulling it to the opposite side with the other hand stretching your back and side obliques, interlace your fingers in front of you while rounding your back for a back stretch; interlace your hands behind you for a chest and shoulder stretch; drop your chin, then look up and stretch your neck and jaw. Hold each stretch for ten seconds and take deep breaths through each one. Take a few seconds to exhale... and enjoy your Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. I never understood why people get stressed out at the holidays. This is the time to relax and enjoy your families. I guess with a little planning things could be more calm.
