Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"More Fork Chops Please"

My kids call pork chops, "fork chops." It's so cute to me that I don't bother to correct them. I love pork chop night because it's one of the few nights they both eat everything on the plate. You see I have one who eats everything and another who eats hardly anything. But on "fork chop" night they are both in agreement and will clean their plates-guaranteed.

We sit down at home together for a home cooked meal about five nights a week, a huge feat for this day and age, but "fork chop" night is always the easiest. To anyone with a picky preschooler, I know you can appreciate this because most of the time meal times are not that easy.

Another thing that's not that easy is when your preschooler embarrasses you. - no matter how cute they are. Like today - Evan and I left Target and that's when he tells me that he has to do pee pee. So he just starts doing it by the car in the grass, kind of discreetly behind my door. But just when he was done, he turned around, waved and shouted hello to the couple walking by us in the parking lot. Then he continued on with, "don't look at my weenis or my tushy, it's my private property." Well maybe I should be proud of that.


  1. Your not alone! I remember when I couldn't wait for my son to learn how to pee on a tree or christen the grass...it's a real time saver! Well, just like your Target incident, my little guy will whip it out just about anywhere and before I can even get the words out, NO, WAIT!, he's peeing away!

  2. Gabriela used to say Gark instead Dark it was so cute! And Pancank instead of Pancake. We still joke around about it to this day.

    Sarah used to call herself YA YA. When She would introduce herself she would say "Me YAYA".
