Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Night to Remember

So this past Friday evening was a very memorable one for me. My husband and I took our two boys and my parents to Disney World. We took part in Mickey's Very Merry Christmas party for the second year in a row... and it was a blast. Witnessing the boys' faces and expressions of wonderment at everything from the parade to the fireworks to the shows and attractions was priceless. That place is so magical, especially this time of year. That's made ever so evident when you get there and it starts snowing on Main Street in 60 degree weather. Even the toughest guys, turn into fun-loving children there.

For me, all good things seem to happen in Disney. For starters, I got engaged to the same man, twice there. We got married and ran two marathons there. Heck, I may have even conceived one of my children there! And now I can add a new milestone to the list. I have recently written and published a novel. My first copy was delivered to my door the morning I left for the Mouse's house. When I found out, I immediately asked a friend, who I remembered was also headed up to Disney later that day( what are the chances of that?), to pick it up and bring it with her. She obliged and called me the minute she arrived. My family anxiously piled in the car after dinner and we met her in front of our hotel complex. A chill went through me at the thought of actually seeing the culmination of all my hard work over the last two years arrive in this moment. It was in a box and when I opened it at 6:30 pm on Friday November 20th, I know there was an expression of wonderment on my face.

1 comment:

  1. I think you belong at Disney. This story is moving! I am so truly happy for you as only a friend can be. I just think you are the bomb! You did it and what an accomplishment. I am so proud of you and wish you many more sucesses!
