Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wellness Wednesday

Well gals and guys I am calling this segment our little coffee break in the middle of the week. Every week I will try to give a tidbit of info or commentary on health, fitness and overall wellness. If you have not read "about me" on this site, I am a certified personal trainer and have been involved in the fitness industry for 20 years. I was also a reporter/journalist and I had the privilege of doing health and fitness related interviews and stories. I feel it is important that we all stick together in this challenge because wellness and preventative care is essential to our quality of lives and well being... and so many moms are missing the boat on this one. I know it's not because they don't know the right things to do... heck I am in the biz and I still don't get the right amount of sleep ( a component of wellness). It's mostly because moms, whether working or stay-at-home, do so much taking care of everyone and everything around them that there is literally no time left at the end of the day. What are we to do?

First let's all take a deep breath. Take another and count to five, let it our for five. Keep going until you work your way up to ten. And stare into space while you do this or just focus on an object or spot. it's hard to think of nothing... go ahead ladies, I dare you. I dare you to feel refreshed!

Okay now that is done, do it again tonight before bed. Do it each night, work your way up to a minute of breathing, eventually five minutes. AHHHH your meditating, slowing the heart rate and relaxing... so good for your life.

Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius stated, "We must make important investments in prevention and wellness. It's time to make preventing illness and disease the foundation of our healthcare system."

If you didn't know, here are the five basic components of wellness: physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual ( a sixth has recently been added by the National Wellness Institute- occupational). Let's all strive to work on one of them this week. Feel free to comment.

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